
Using online reviews to reward your staff

Online reviews can be a fun and unique way to reward and acknowledge your staff members.
Letitia Stevenson
April 3, 2024

Are you a tourism business owner looking for creative ways to reward your hard working staff members? Look no further than your online reviews!  That's right, your customer reviews can be used as a fun and unique way to acknowledge and reward your team members.

Here are a few fun ideas you could implement in your business:

Create a "Review Wall of Fame"

Designate a wall or bulletin board in a public area of your business to showcase your positive reviews. Print out the reviews and post them up for all to see. Make sure to highlight the specific staff members mentioned in each review. Seeing their name in lights will surely put a smile on their faces and encourage them to keep up the good work!

Host a "Review of the Month" Award

At the end of each month, select the best review your business received and present it to the staff member(s) mentioned in the review. Have a fun ceremony with applause and cheering to acknowledge the great work they've done. You can even offer a small prize, like a gift card or a free lunch/dinner, to the staff member(s) with the most reviews mentioned throughout the month.

Offer an Incentive Program

Create a staff incentive program that rewards team members for receiving positive reviews. For example, offer a small bonus or commission for each review that mentions a staff member by name. This, or any other incentivised program will encourage your team to go above and beyond in their customer service efforts and ensure that your guests have a memorable experience worth sharing.

Host a Social Media Shout-Out

Take to your social media channels to give your staff some recognition. Share a positive review and tag the staff member mentioned in the post. This not only gives them some public recognition, but it also shows your followers that you value your staff and customer feedback.

Online reviews can be a fun and unique way to reward and acknowledge your staff members. By adopting some, or all of the above methods, you can create a positive culture within your team and encourage them to go above and beyond in their customer service efforts. It doesn’t have to be difficult to implement, with systems like Yonder that track staff mentions in reviews for you it's as simple as checking in once a week to see who is performing well. So go ahead, get creative, and reward your team for all their hard work!

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