Effortlessly gather & manage your reviews

Effortlessly gather & track your reviews. Manage reviews from various sites, reply, escalate internally and report. Powerful analysis tools, helping you make smarter decisions.

Bring all your reviews into one place

Save time checking different websites by pulling all your customer feedback data into one home - Yonder.
Google My Business, Get Your Guide, BookME & Facebook Recommendations
Yonder Feedback and Reviews
Record feedback heard by staff

A new generation of reporting

Combine reservation data and mentions found in your reviews for incredible insights. Forget manually gathering data, now you can spend proper time using it.

Track mentions of your team and topics

Make monthly staff reviews powerful and efficient with real-time reports of each team member at your fingertips.

Track what areas of your business need more attention and what areas are doing well. Customer data is at your fingertips.

Learn commonly mentioned keywords

Find out what keywords are used the most and dive in to learn more.

Group keywords into topics to track.

AI generated Smart Summaries

Forget trawling through hundreds of reviews each month and coming up with a summary. Each month get a summary of reviews for each topic you track, like Price or Timeliness, delivered to your inbox. Your team will love you.

Showcase your 5 star reviews on your website and boost conversion

Save time updating reviews on your website - install our plug-in with an automated feed of your latest 5 star reviews, from a range of sources, including direct via Yonder.
Install an automated feed filtered to 5 star reviews
Select sources you want to showcase - Google, Facebook, Get Your Guide, BookMe and Yonder direct feedback.


Everything you need to gather rich feedback from many sources, make sense of it and report on it. Included in all Yonder Reviews and AI Chatbot plans.
Google Reviews
Facebook Reviews
Trend, compare, and report.
Measure NPS
Intelligently ask for online reviews
Showcase latest reviews on your website
Popular keyword analysis
Dashboard of Team Member mentions

How exceptional businesses use customer feedback to grow

Whether you're new to customer feedback, or seasoned, this guide covers the Yonder Feedback Loop and 17 articles diving deep to explore how raving customers is the best way of sustaining and growing your business.