Intelligent Reviews

Get a whopping 35 - 50% response rate by sending review requests and surveys from Yonder. Intelligently filter 5-star reviews to share on online. Connect your booking system for unparalleled automation and data.

Review features

Everything you need to gather rich feedback, make sense of it and report on it
Gather feedback
Measure NPS
Intelligently ask for online reviews
Showcase latest reviews on your website
Send automatically by connecting your Booking system/CRM
Send to one or many manually
Customize for multiple organizations, like locations or teams
Customer data linked to all responses
Product ratings in Google Search Snippet
Alert staff to bad or all reviews received
Ratings breakdown per product and organization
Popular keyword analysis

Connect your booking system/CRM to automate sending and unlock new insights

See all integrations →

Go deeper than average ratings

Average ratings aren't a lot of use. Drill deeper and get a rich picture of feedback by segmenting your data by product, service, room etc. Find out exactly what needs improvement.

Connect your booking system data to see the full picture

No need for guessing who responded to feedback, know exactly which customer it was and all relevant details.

Maximize 5 star online reviews, or ask a few survey questions. You choose.

Intelligent Review request

We use an NPS rating to identify happy customers and then make it easy for those who rate you 5 stars to post on their preferred online review site. Proven to generate 2 - 5x more reviews than your generic thank you email.

Ask survey questions

Go deeper by asking customers specific questions:

→ How would you rate the value of our services?
→ What could we do better?
→ How did you hear about us?

Ask for reviews in multiple langauges

Don’t leave any gaps in your customer reviews. Enable your customers to share reviews in their native language, over 8 major languages set up and ready to use and more coming soon.

Showcase your 5 star reviews on your website and boost conversion

Online reviews influence the purchase decisions for 93% of consumers.  Install our automated feed on your website to showcase your latest 5 star reviews..
Show reviews for specific products on product pages
Showcase product ratings in your Google Search Snippet
Include Google and Facebook Reviews (optional)

With hundreds of new reviews via Yonder you'll need powerful reporting...

We take care of monitoring mentions of your team members and topics and make reporting easy.
Automatically track mentions of topics and people in your team
AI generated Smart Summaries in your inbox to keep tight watch on what your customers are saying
Booking and customer data linked to every response for unparralled insight and reporting